Tuesday, 28 August 2012

our new home!! (sam)

This is the home that Rita, the woman we'll be working with in Medina, has found for us to rent! All we have is photos so far, but even from these we have already been planning what colour to paint it and how to deck out each room!

We'll be arriving tomorrow (Thursday) in Medina! After having been through all the painful processes of letting go of community, of friends and family, and packing up the remnants of a relatively comfortable life in England, we are a bit more free now to realise we are on an awesome adventure!!
As with all new things, there is a healthy balance of excitement..and nerves. Moving home again in itself is a huge deal. I've lived in the city all my life, with access to everything I want, with opportunities for so many different types of community or equally for complete anonymity, and the buzz and rush of hectic streets and vibrant nightlife, the feeling of being somewhere that is known...
the idea of moving to the remote countryside, a town that even people in the same state have never heard of, is ..interesting! very different indeed and although it will definitely take time to get used to, I am looking forward to some big changes in lifestyle! I think I want to plant a herb garden in our yard!!
Even today as we drove an hour out of Belo to visit a beautiful park called Inhotim, I was absolutely loving the scenery and the dust of the roads, and felt a bubbling excitement as I tried to conjure up images of what our new surroundings will be like. 
Here's some more photos we were sent of the house:

 ..and that of course is just the moving house part. The main reason we are going, and the biggest cause of both excitement and nerves, is to come alongside girls who have suffered horrific traumas and to build relationships with them, offering therapeutic activities and a space to experience healing...we are so desperate to see this happen, but at the same time we are fully aware of the long and difficult process it could prove to be, and the many obstacles that may be in the path. Very slightly apprehensive, but also full of anticipation...the next step is about to begin!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The house looks amazing! It's so great to have a picture of where you're going to be and where you'll call home. So pleased you arrived safely. Looking forward to visiting soon...J & P xxx
